Ladakh Innerline Permits – Get Your Pass To Ice Desert Swiftly!

Since the May of 2014, Indian nationals are not required to procure Innerline Permit to visit various places of attractions in Ladakh. However, the regulation does not have any concession for foreign nationals and they do require Innerline Permit for their visit to various destinations. Moreover, there are certain restricted areas and you require a permit even if you are an Indian or a foreign national. Various tour operators from Ladakh assist you in procuring the permit and it is always recommended to seek their assistance, as you might get baffled while filling in details of the places you are visiting. It is strongly recommended for domestic travelers and foreign nationals to start the application procedure a day or two in advance to avoid inconvenience and hassles.
Innerline permits are issued by the DM Office, Leh, Ladakh. Standard documents required for Indian nationals are proof of identity. However, foreign nationals require producing a copy of passport as well as visa. These documents are required per tourist. In case of a group, individual documents along with duly filled application form are submitted in a bunch. Moreover, sanction of the permit from DM Office requires around three hours upon the submission. Innerline permits are issued twice daily in the morning and evening. However, morning sessions have lesser rush. Permit fee remittance is necessary in addition to documents and application form. Typically, these applications are not rejected unless you seek permission to enter completely prohibited area. Application forms are easily available in DM Office as well as nearby photocopy shops. You need to carry several photographs, as you may need to use them during various procedures. Alternately, always make several photocopies of the permit, application form, identification documents, passport, and visa, as you may need to submit them at en-route check posts. Overall, the process is simple however, initiating it a day or two before your tour day is always recommended.
Numerous hotels and tour operators help you to procure Innerline Permit as per your itinerary. In fact, it is always recommended to use their services to avoid complications out of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of terms. These permits are issued en-route; however, you are not permitted to deviate from the tour plan and wander off. Therefore, make a concrete plan, submit permit application accordingly, and stick to it. Tour operators precisely know the interpretations of the permit and its limits and never let you wander off in prohibited zones. These precautions are necessary as Ladakh shares the boundary with neighboring counties like Tibet, China, and Pakistan.
Procuring Innerline Permit for excursions in Ladakh is quite easy if you understand the crux of the process. Seeking help from local professionals truly save you of hassles and simplify the process greatly. All that remains in enjoying your fantastically memorable vacations wearing your wool winter coats for men the ultimate protective layer you deserve when you step out there in freezing cold temperature and mountainous terrain. Make your way through rugged land and extremities far tough to handle for thrill of a lifetime.
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